Ektron CMS400.Net Reference

>>Storing Files in the Library > Quicklinks and Forms

Quicklinks and Forms

For a definition of the terms quicklinks and forms, see Terms Used in this Chapter.

Adding a Quicklink or Form to Content

Users can insert a quicklink to it within any content. To do so, follow the procedure described in Adding a Library File to Content. The only difference is that you add a quicklink or form instead of a file.

You can apply a quicklink to text or an image within the content. If you do, and a site visitor moves the cursor over the text or image, the cursor indicates that a hyperlink is available. If he clicks the link, he “jumps” to the source content or image.

If you do not select text or an image before inserting a quicklink, place the cursor where you want it to appear. The title of the “jumped to” content appears in the content.

To test a quicklink or form, select hyperlinked text or image and double click it.

When the page is published, a reader can click the link to jump to the quicklink or form page.

Viewing Quicklinks or Forms

To view a quicklink or form, follow the procedure described in Viewing Files. The only difference is that you view a quicklink or form instead of a file.

The table below describes each field on the quicklinks display.




Title given to the hyperlink or form by the user who added it, or last edited it.

URL Link

URL link for the quicklink or form.

Library ID

ID number assigned automatically by Ektron CMS400.NET when the quicklink or form was originally added.

Parent Folder

Parent folder that the quicklink or form belongs to. Users need permissions to this folder to be able to access the quicklink or form.

Last User to Edit

Last user that made changes to the quicklink or form.

Last Edit Date

The date the quicklink or form was last edited.

Date Created

The date and time the quicklink or form was originally added to the Ektron CMS400.NET library.

To preview a quicklink or form, click the link at the bottom of the page.

Updating Default Template for Multiple Quicklinks

Warning! This procedure is only necessary if Link Management is set to false in your web. config file. If if Link Management is set to true, Ektron CMS400.NET automatically updates the template within the quicklink when content is moved. See your system administrator for help with the web.config file.

Note: This action can only be performed on quicklinks.

When content is moved in Ektron CMS400.NET, its quicklink does not get changed. After it is moved, you need to update the default template called in the content’s quicklink.

To update the default template for one or more quicklinks, follow these steps.

1. In the library, access the quicklinks folder containing quicklinks you want to update.

2. Click Update Quicklinks ().

3. The Update URL Link Template Quicklinks screen is displayed.

4. Check the quicklinks you want to update.

Note: Check the box in the table header to select or deselect all.

5. In the To: text field, enter the name of the template you want to apply to the selected quicklinks.

6. Click Update Quicklinks () to update the changes.

A confirmation message is displayed.

7. Click OK to continue.

The selected quicklinks are updated to use the specified template.

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Ektron CMS400.NET Reference Version 8.02 SP1 Rev 1

Ektron Documentation,© 2011 Ektron, Inc.